Faith and Miracles

I thank God for good things.  The Lord is the author and finishers of our faith.  He desires good things for us.  We can receive good things by faith and miracles. 



Faith and miracles share a sacred relationship, intertwined in a dance of belief, possibility, and divine intervention. Through faith, we open ourselves to the extraordinary, inviting miracles to unfold in our lives. Miracles, in turn, deepen our faith, reaffirm our connection to the divine, and inspire us to live with awe and wonder. As we embrace the mysterious and miraculous aspects of our spiritual journey, may our faith continue to flourish, opening our hearts and minds to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

Heavenly Father,  Thank you for good things.  Thank you for giving us a measure of faith,  Thank you for miracles.   You are the most high God.  We reverence you.  Thank you for fighting our battles.  In Jesus Name we pray amen. 


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