Thankful For It All

I thank God for it all.  The good, bad, and ugly. I am able to do that because I know that all things are working for my good.  Society believes that doing anything that you want when you want, good or bad is liberty.  They are wrong.  Liberty is knowing that all of my sins are washed away and the God that I serve Fights my battles for me, knowing he is a just God and he loves me beyond words.  He died for me and so many others that had a condition of the heart that was not right. When opposition come, I can say do it Lord.  He hears me and things change because of the relationship that I have with him.  I don't have conjure anything or cast a spell that will end up hurting myself or others because of my need for control.  I gave the Lord Jesus Christ total control and he is all knowing and all powerful.  He is everywhere.  I don't have to wait.  All I have to do is stay in his presence.   Who wouldn't serve a God like this.  Glory to God. 


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